EPK writing & consultancy

Compiling an EPK?

Got your images sorted, but need a hand with writing the bio?


If you’re an artist putting together an EPK, you might find it useful to have a copywriter in your corner, ready to whip up an all-singing, all-dancing bio for you. By using this writing service through Record Weekly/Thistle PR & Promotion, you can either request a full bio to be written for a fee or even just ask for assistance with editing on a consultancy basis. The choice is yours, but I’m eager to help.

Why us?

The site is owned and run by Imogen, a full-time copywriter with 13 years’ music reviewing experience, a Language and Linguistics degree and a background at HMV.

EPK bio writing

If writing anything other than songs isn’t something you enjoy, or if you don’t have backing from a label, speak to Imogen about writing your bio.

Editing & consulting

Only after the finishing touches or some guidance? I’m here to give your EPK bio a lick of paint and a polish by editing it before it goes out to the world.

I’m really keen to help artists with their EPK bios, as it takes music writing one step further for Record Weekly. It gives musicians the chance to have a professional writer construct copy for promotional purposes. Whether you need the full EPK bio writing or just some tweaks or editing advice, feel free to drop me a DM below.

Get in touch…